About 1 in 100 people have epilepsy. It does not discriminate based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, or social class. Many people with epilepsy will gain seizure control with medication alone and never tell anyone about it. Epilepsy Ottawa’s free Seizure Smart presentations help demystify epilepsy and teach Seizure First Aid, reducing fear of seizures and breaking down barriers people with epilepsy face to full participation in our community.

Presentations are available at locations in Ottawa and the surrounding rural areas (Lanark County, Renfrew County, Prescott-Russell County, and Stormont Dundas & Glengarry Counties). If you have questions about availability in your area, please feel welcome to contact us.

Presentations are available virtually or in person (weather permitting).

Seizure Smart in the Community

Available Presentations

Epilepsy 101

If you saw a stranger have a convulsive seizure, would you know what to do? If a friend had a non-convulsive seizure would you be able to recognize it and help?

Epilepsy Ottawa’s free Seizure Smart: Epilepsy 101 presentation helps you better understand epilepsy, how to identify different types of seizures, how to help a person having a convulsive or non-convulsive seizure when a seizure is a medical emergency, and how you can help make our community more accepting for people with epilepsy.